
Page 22-18
« Start program
{PPAR EQ} PURGE Purge current PPAR and EQ
r’ STEQ Store ‘r’ into EQ
‘r’ INDEP Set independent variable to ‘r’
‘s’ DEPND Set dependent variable to ‘s’
FUNCTION Select FUNCTION as the plot type
{ (0.,0.) {.4 .2}
“Rs” “Sr” } AXES Set axes information
–1. 5. XRNG Set x range
–1. 5. YRNG Set y range
ERASE DRAW DRAX LABEL Erase & draw plot, axes, and labels
PICTURE » Recall graphics screen to stack
Store the program in variable PLOT1. To run it, press J, if needed, then
press @PLOT1.
Example 2 – A parametric plot
. Enter the following program:
«Start program
RAD {PPAR EQ} PURGE Change to radians, purge vars.
‘SIN(t)+i*SIN(2*t)’ STEQ Store ‘X(t)+iY(t)’ into EQ
{ t 0. 6.29} INDEP Set indep. variable to ‘r’, with range
‘Y’ DEPND Set dependent variable to ‘Y’
PARAMETRIC Select PARAMETRIC as the plot type
{ (0.,0.) {.5 .5} “X(t)”
“Y(t)” } AXES Set axes information
–2.2 2.2 XRNG Set x range
–1.1 1.1 YRNG Set y range
ERASE DRAW DRAX LABEL Erase & draw plot, axes, and labels
PICTURE Recall graphics screen to stack
» End program
Store the program in variable PLOT2. To run it, press J, if needed, then
press @PLOT2.