Service Reference Guide, dx2100 MT 404569-001 D–27
Troubleshooting Without Diagnostics
Power LED flashes
six times, once
every second,
followed by a two
second pause and
the computer beeps
six times.
6 Pre-video graphics
For systems with a graphics card:
1. Reseat the graphics card. Power on
the system.
2. Replace the graphics card.
3. Replace the system board.
For systems with integrated graphics,
replace the system board.
Power LED flashes
seven times, once
every second,
followed by a two
second pause and
the computer beeps
seven times.
7 System board
failure (ROM
detected failure
prior to video).
Replace the system board.
Power LED flashes
eight times, once
every second,
followed by a two
second pause and
the computer beeps
eight times.
8 Invalid ROM
based on bad
1. Reflash the ROM using a ROMPaq
diskette. See the “ROM Flash” section
of the Desktop Management Guide
on the Documentation CD.
2. Replace the system board.
Diagnostic Front Panel LEDs and Audible Codes (Continued)
Activity Beeps Possible Cause Recommended Action