Sending Queries to the Logic Analyzer
This program example contains the steps required to send a query to the
logic analyzer. Sending the query alone only puts the requested information
in an output buffer of the logic analyzer. You must follow the query with an
ENTER statement to transfer the query response to the controller. When the
query response is sent to the logic analyzer, the query is properly terminated
in the logic analyzer. If you send the query but fail to send an ENTER
statement, the logic analyzer will display the error message "Query
Interrupted" when it receives the next command from the controller, and the
query response is lost.
10 ! ****************** DATA COMMAND AND QUERY EXAMPLE ********************
20 ! for the HP 16554A/HP 16555A/HP 16555D
30 !
40 ! ********************* CREATE TRANSFER BUFFER *************************
50 !
51 ! NOTE WELL! The data from the 16554A may be up to 19Mbytes long!
52 ! NOTE WELL! The data from the 16555A may be up to 38Mbytes long!
53 ! NOTE WELL! The data from the 16555D may be up to 76Mbytes long!
54 ! You may estimate the size of the buffer needed using the following
55 ! formula.
56 !
57 ! LET Cards = Number of 16554/16555 cards in your module.
58 ! LET Samples = Memory Length (see Acquisition Control in Trigger Menu)
59 ! LET BufferSize = (12 * Samples * Boards) + 1000
60 !
61 ! For example, a 1 board system with a full memory length of 1040384
62 ! requires (12 * 1040384) + 1000 = 12,485,608 bytes.
63 !
64 ! You may have to enlarge the workspace of your Basic environment
65 ! to accomodate this buffer.
66 ASSIGN @Buff TO BUFFER [3700000]
70 !
80 ! **************** INITIALIZE HPIB DEFAULT ADDRESS *********************
90 !
100 REAL Address
110 Address=707
120 ASSIGN @Comm TO Address
130 !
Programming Examples
Sending Queries to the Logic Analyzer