Byte Position Bytes 241 through 244 contain the number of valid rows of data for
pod 1 of either the expansion card in a two-card module, or a middle
cardslot expansion card in a three-card module.
Bytes 245 through 248 contain the number of valid rows of data for
pod 4 of the master card.
Bytes 249 through 252 contain the number of valid rows of data for
pod 3 of the master card.
Bytes 253 through 256 contain the number of valid rows of data for
pod 2 of the master card.
Bytes 257 through 260 contain the number of valid rows of data for
pod 1 of the master card.
261 88 bytes - The trigger point location for each pod, organized in the same way
as the data rows (bytes 173 – 260). These rows start at 0, which represents
the first sample stored for a pod. Bytes 345 through 348 contain the trigger
location for pod 1.
Example If bytes 341 and 344 contain the value 101008, the data in row 101008 for
that pod is the trigger. There are 101008 rows of pre-trigger data.
349 234 bytes - Unused
583 2 bytes - Real Time Clock (RTC) year at time of acquisition. Year value is
equal to the year minus 1990.
585 2 bytes - RTC month (1 = January . . . 12 = December ) at time of acquisition.
586 1 byte - RTC day of the month at time of acquisition.
587 1 byte - RTC day of the week at time of acquisition.
588 1 byte - RTC hour (0 through 23) at time of acquisition.
589 1 byte - RTC minutes at time of acquisition.
590 1 byte - RTC seconds at time of acquisition.
DATA and SETup Commands
Data Preamble Description