Introduction 5Chapter 1
Chapter 1
This document describes the common commands and the status system used
by VXI instruments. The status system is a group of registers that can be
used to monitor events, such as when an error occurs or when a reading is
available from a specified instrument in your VXI mainframe. Use the SCPI
status system commands and IEEE 488.2 common commands described in
Chapter 3 of this document to program the status system.
The common commands are used to read and configure the status byte and
standard event group registers, while the status commands are used to
configure the standard operation status group and questionable data status
group registers. See the individual VXI instrument manuals to determine
how a specific instrument uses the operation status group and the
questionable data status group. If status system commands are not
documented, that instrument does not use the registers.
Other common commands are used for general functionality, macros, and
Note This document should be placed with your other VXI instrumentation