Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 112 of 372
9.1.1 Port Mode Register 1(PMR1)
PMR1 switches the functions of pins in port 1 and port 2.
Bit Bit Name Initial Value R/W Description
7 IRQ3 0 R/W P17/IRQ3/TRGV Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P17/IRQ3/TRGV is used as
P17 or as IRQ3/TRGV.
0: P17 I/O port
1: IRQ3/TRGV input pin
6 IRQ2 0 R/W P16/IRQ2 Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P16/IRQ2 is used as P16 or as
0: P16 I/O port
1: IRQ2 input pin
5 IRQ1 0 R/W P15/IRQ1 Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P15/IRQ1 is used as P15 or as
0: P15 I/O port
1: IRQ1 input pin
4 IRQ0 0 R/W P14/IRQ0 Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P14/IRQ0 is used as P14 or as
0: P14 I/O port
1: IRQ0 input pin
These bits are always read as 1 and cannnot be modified.
1 TXD 0 R/W P22/TXD Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P22/TXD is used as P22 or as
0: P22 I/O port
1: TXD output pin
0 TMOW 0 R/W P10/TMOW Pin Function Switch
This bit selects whether pin P10/TMOW is used as P10 or
as TMOW.
0: P10 I/O port
1: TMOW output pin