4 - 3
Note that when typing in alpha mode on the 28-key Dolphin 6500, you must use the same multi-press
method you would use when typing letters on a phone keypad. Each key press types the next letter in the
sequence as displayed by the alpha indicator.
Function Key Combinations
On the 28-key keypad, hold down the Function key (FUNC) and then press a key with the blue text/icons
below it to perform specific functions.
On the 52-key keypad, hold down the Red button and then press a key with the red text to the upper right
of it to perform specific functions.
Key Combination
FUNC + 1 F5
FUNC + 2 F6
FUNC + 3 F7
FUNC + 4 Toggle the wireless radio on and off
FUNC + 5 Increase screen brightness
FUNC + 6 Increase volume
FUNC + 7 Tab
FUNC + 8 Decrease screen brightness
FUNC + 9 Decrease volume
FUNC + . Start menu
FUNC + 0 Delete
FUNC + SP Align the screen
(Press ESC to exit)
Key Combination
FUNC + 1 WordPad
FUNC + 2 Email
FUNC + 3 Windows Explorer
FUNC + 4 Internet Explorer
FUNC + 5 Pocket CMD
FUNC + 6 Control Panel
FUNC + 7 Transcriber
FUNC + 8 F8 - user programmable