Total Connect Online Help Guide
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Residential Panels - Retrieving panel user names, and Assigning personal names:
1. Click Get Panel Users. Users that have names saved in the control panel's AUI descriptor fields will appear (except
for the Master User, user #2) and populate the "User" column only.
This also checks each user slot in the panel (up to the first 40) to determine if that slot is assigned. If the user slot is
assigned, it puts an asterisk in the Num column. In the above screen, notice that slots 8 and 10 thru 14 are not
assigned, so no asterisk appears next to the number.
2. In the User column, if there is no user name associated with a slot Number, but the user number has an asterisk, you
may enter a name for that user. If you want to add a NEW user, choose a control panel column slot that is not being
used (no asterisk) and enter the NEW user.
3. In the Full Name column, you can assign a Personal name, or edit an existing Personal name. Just enter the desired
Personal name in the field, and click the Save Users button. Note that this only saves the information to the remote
services database; it DOES NOT overwrite the information in the control panel.
Commercial Panels - Assigning Personal Names:
WARNING: If there are user codes assigned in the control panel, make sure you enter the same codes in the
database. If you enter users in slots, where users already exist in the control panel, the control panel users will
be overwritten. Adding new users depends on your knowledge of which control panel user slots are not being
used. It is preferable to add a new user locally at the control panel.
In commercial panels, the fields can only be populated manually. In the "User" column you should enter the AUI
descriptors that are programmed in the control panel. For convenience, you can also assign a Personal name, or edit an
existing Personal name for the user. Just enter the desired name in the "Full Name" column, and click the Save Users
button. Note that information entered into the Full Name
column is only saved to the remote services database. It DOES
NOT overwrite the information in the control panel.
4. You can now click the User Codes tab to edit new and existing user profiles.
This does not appear for
commercial control panels.