Chapter 5 — Troubleshoot and Maintain the Computer
Thor CV31 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 59
Problems Reading Bar Codes
You can troubleshoot problems that prevent you from reading bar codes,
such as the appropriate symbology not being enabled.
You are setting up
multiple access points in
a network with different
SSIDs, and the
connection fails.
When you change the SSID, the WEP key
values are not saved. Configure the WEP key
values and save your changes.
You clean boot the
computer and this
message appears, “The
server certificate has
expired or your system
date is incorrect.”
When you clean boot the computer, the date
and time are not saved. Configure the date
and time and save your changes.
802.1x Security Problems and Possible Solutions (continued)
Problem Possible Solution
Problems Reading Bar Codes
Problem Possible Solution
You cannot see the illumination
beam or frame from the imager
when you press the Scan
button and aim the imager at a
bar code label.
Try these possible solutions:
• You may be too far away from the
bar code label. Move closer to the
bar code label and scan it again.
• You may be reading the bar code
label “straight on.” Change the
reading angle and try again.
• The imager hardware trigger may be
disabled. Start Intermec Settings
and go to Data Collection >
Scanner Settings. Make sure
Hardware trigger is selected.
When you release the Scan
button or scan handle trigger,
the Good Read LED does not
turn off.
If you configure the computer to use
continuous/edge triggering, the Good
Read LED stays on. If you configure the
computer for level triggering and the
Good Read LED stays on, there may
be a problem. Press the Scan button or
pull the trigger again without scanning
a bar code label. If the LED is still on,
contact Product Support.