Install TrueDRY DR90 according to National Electric Codes.
Dimensions in inches and (mm):
Product weight: 82 lbs.
Shipping weight: 93 lbs.
Shipping dimensions: 21.5”H x 18.5”W x 40.0”L
Media Filter: MERV 11, 14”H x 18”W x 2”L
Drain connection: 3/4-in. threaded female NPT connection.
Duct connections: 10-in. round inlet and outlet. 6-in. supply
inlet. ABS plastic, compatible for connection to rigid or
flexible ducting with sheet metal screws and/or tape.
Cabinet: 20 ga
Insulation: R value 1
Compressor: Rotary, 8.0k BTU
Operating Temp Range (outside cabinet):
34ºF to 135ºF (1.1ºC to 57.2ºC)
Operating Humidity Range: 0-99% RH
Input ratings
• Electricalinputvoltage:120VAC,
• Inputcurrent:5.9A
Output ratings
• Power transformer to R/C
terminals: 24 VAC, 0.85 A
• Energy Performance: 2.9 liters (6.1
pints) per kilowatt hour (KWH)
Standards and approval body
ETL Tested per standard UL 474 ducted
Dry-Bulb Temp Intake Humidity Capacity (Pints/Day)
80°F (26.7°C) 60% RH 90
70°F (21.1°C) 60% RH 73
60°F (15.6°C) 60% RH 54
Home Size
(square ft [m])
Dehumidifier Capacity Required to Maintain Desired Indoor RH*
60% RH Indoor
50% RH Indoor
40% RH Indoor
2080 (193.2) 49–54 55–58 71–78
2600 (241.5) 61–68 65–72 90–97
3120 (289.9) 75–82 79–86 95–110
* Based on extreme climates where outdoor humidity is 70-90% RH. For less extreme climates, larger
homes can be adequately served with less capacity. Actual requirements may vary.
Airflow versus external static pres-
sure (0–1 in. [0 - 25.4 mm] water
pressure) with collars attached
0 in. (0 mm) 262 CFM
0.2 in. (5 mm) 225 CFM
0.4 in. (10 mm) 172 CFM
0.6 in. (15.2 mm) 106 CFM