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Trouble Messages
Typical Trouble Condition Displays
To silence the beeping sound for fault conditions, press any key.
FAULT Indicates that a problem exists with the zone(s) displayed, accompanied by rapid beeping.
First, determine if the zone(s) displayed are intact and make them so if they are not. If
the zone uses a wireless detector, check that changes in the room (moving furniture,
televisions, etc.) are not blocking wireless signals from the detector. If the problem has
been corrected, the zone descriptor(s) and FAULT should disappear from the display. If
not, key an OFF sequence (security code plus OFF) to clear the display. A fault condition
can also indicate a wiring problem. If the “FAULT” display persists, notify your service
company. Note that the system will not allow arming if a fault condition exists. To arm
the system with a fault condition present, you must first bypass the zone(s) having the
fault condition.
FAULT 103 Indicates an ECP communications/supervision failure, case tamper or low battery.
FC Indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone communication portion of your
system or a problem with the phone line existed when dialing was attempted.
CC Indicates that the control is on-line with the central station's remote computer. The
control will not operate while on-line. Wait a few minutes. The display should disappear.
dI If this remains displayed for more than 1 minute, the system is disabled.
bF Indicates backup LRR/GSM/IP module communication failure (displayed on RF
Keypad only)
CA Indicates a cancelled alarm. See Entry/Exit Delay section
EA Indicates an exit alarm. See Entry/Exit Delay section.
90 Indicates that the system has detected an RF jam condition or excessive interference. If
the condition persists, notify your service company.
LOW BAT Accompanied by a once-per 45 seconds beeping at the keypad, indicates a low system
(no zone no.) battery condition exists. Refer to the Changing the LYNXR-2 Series System Battery
LOW BAT Accompanied by a once-per-45 seconds beeping at the keypad, indicates a low battery
(with zone no.) condition exists in the wireless transmitter displayed.
LOW BAT Accompanied by a once-per-45 seconds beeping at the keypad, indicates a low battery
(with zone 00) condition exists in a wireless keypad.
† Notify your service company.
Routine Care
• Treat the components of your security system as you would any other electrical equipment. Do not
slam sensor-protected doors or windows.
• Keep dust from accumulating on the keypad and all protective sensors, particularly on motion
sensors and smoke detectors.
• The keypad and sensors should be cleaned carefully with a dry soft cloth. Do not spray water or
any other fluid on the units.