MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
5.2.6 Flight Test
Honeywell has developed a generic Flight Test procedure for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing
number 060-4314-006. The Flight Test procedure was developed for first of type installations, for
these installations all sections of the Flight Test procedure shall be performed.
For follow on installations of the same aircraft type and interface, the flight test is not required.
When updating an STC to the current part number it is only necessary to flight test significant new
features. The notice of change is available in Honeywell Service Bulletins.
5.2.7 Pilots Guide
Honeywell has developed a Pilot’s Guide for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314-
200 that provides a description of the modes and the controls of the EGPWS.
5.2.8 Failure Modes, Effects , and Safety Analysis
Honeywell has developed a Failure Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis document for the MK
XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314-002 that provides an analysis of the failure modes of
the EGPWS.
5.2.9 Existing STC’s
For more information and a list of existing STC’s see the EGPWS web site www.egpws.com