ANN-BUS Devices Installation
MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007 41 ANN-I/O Module LED Wiring
There are four 12-pin connectors on the ANN-I/O module for connecting LEDs. Each set of 10
LEDs get their power from Pin 11 of the corresponding connector. Internal resistors are sized
so that there is approximately 10 mA of current for each LED. No series resistors are required.
LED outputs are mapped to output circuits. Refer to the section titled "ANN-I/O LED Zone
Assignments" on page 75 of this manual.
The LEDs are wired as illustrated in Figure 2.21. Note that the illustration depicts only
connectors P1 and P2. Wiring is identical for P3 (LEDs 21-30) and P4 (LEDs 31-40).
2.7.8 ANN-LED Annunciator Module
The ANN-LED annunciator modules provide LED annunciation of general system faults and input
zones when used with a compatible FACP. The ANN-LED module provides alarm (red), trouble
(yellow) and supervisory (yellow) indication for up to ten input zones.
Figure 2.21 ANN-I/O Board Layout