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Status Tab
This screen provides information on the radio:
• The profile being used.
• The status of the radio card (down, associated, authenticated, etc.).
• Client information including device name, IP address and MAC address.
• Information about the Access Point (AP) maintaining the connection to the network including AP name, IP address and
MAC address.
• Channel currently being used for wireless traffic.
• Bit rate in Mbit.
• Current transmit power in mW
• Beacon period – the time between AP beacons in kilomicroseconds. (one kilomicrosecond = 1,024 microseconds).
• DTIM interval – A multiple of the beacon period that specifies how often the beacon contains a delivery traffic indication
message (DTIM). The DTIM tells power saving devices a packet is waiting for them. For example, if DTIM = 3, then every
third beacon contains a DTIM.
• Signal strength (RSSI) displayed in dBm and graphically.
• Signal quality, a measure of the clarity of the signal displayed in percentage and graphically.
There are no user entries on this screen.
Note: After completing radio configuration, it is a good idea to review this screen to verify the radio has associated (no
encryption, WEP) or authenticated (LEAP, any WPA), as indicated above.