2 - 1 3
2 - 1 4
To achieve a high
luster finish
1 . Attach felt buffing pads over power
s c r ub and cleaning brushes using fas-
teners. Polish to a soft shine by guiding
floor machine in straight lines or with the
grain of the wood. If more shine is
d e s i r ed proceed to step 2.
2 . Remove felt buffing pads and attach
high luster polishing pads. Once again,
guide the handle in straight lines or with
the grain of the wood to achieve a high
luster finish.
To keep floors bright
and shiny
Buff floor often to restore sheen and
remove scratches and marks. This
lengthens the time between waxings.
Before buffing, use a vacuum cleaner to
remove dust and dirt and a damp cloth
to remove sticky particles. Stubborn
spots, such as black heel marks, can be
removed by rubbing gently with very fine
steel wool dampened with wax.
If traffic areas need to be rewaxed and
polished, and a solvent-base wax has
been used on the floor, apply wax only to
these areas then buff the entire floor.
Quick pickups
Liquids spilled on hard surface floors,
such as water, or soft drinks, can be
picked up with your shampoo-polisher.
Before plugging unit into electrical out-
let, attach power scrub and cleaning
brushes. Put a small amount of water
into the tank. Move control button to the
“WET PICKUP” position to remove liquid
from floor. Rinse floor by moving control
button to the “SCRUB-POLISH-SHAM-
POO” position, and squeeze trigger to
dispense clear water. Use “WET PICK-
UP” to remove rinse water.
carpet and rugs
For best results use HOOVER rug
and carpet shampoo. A carpet sham-
poo designed specifically for rotary
and foam type carpet shampooers can
also be used.
Use shampoo only in concentration
as recommended on container.
Use only shampoo brushes for carpet
and rugs.
2. Check effect of
shampoo brushes
Attach rug shampoo accessory and
shampoo brushes (as shown in Fig.2-14
and 2-15). Prepare a small amount of
shampoo solution in the tank following
directions on the shampoo container.
Attach tank and guide the floor machine
over a small area of the rug. After sham-
pooing this area, brush the pile of the
rug in one direction and let dry. Examine
rug for change in texture. Some rugs
with loop or twist pile show a change of
texture when any cleaning appliance is
used. If this change is not too great, it
will not be apparent after the entire rug
has been shampooed. The floor
machine, used according to directions,
will leave rugs clean and bright with a
minimum of texture change.
If these two tests have proven success-
ful, proceed with the following steps.
3. Move furniture
Place plastic or aluminum foil pads
under legs of furniture too heavy to
move, so metal slides or wood finishes
will not stain carpet. If furniture is moved
back onto damp carpet, place pads
under legs to avoid marks and rust
4. Vacuum thoroughly
Vacuum carpet to remove dust, sand, and
lint. The quality of the shampooing job
depends, to a great extent, on how thor-
oughly the dirt is removed before sham-
Using the floor machine
Disconnect floor machine from electri-
cal outlet.
1. Attach rug shampoo
With floor machine upside down on a flat
surface, make sure the foam generator
Shampoo in dry weather or when your
home is heated to insure fast drying of
Wool, wool blends and synthetic fiber
can be shampooed successfully. Cotton
fibers are non-resilient, “matt” easily,
absorb large quantities of water, and
dry very slowly. Because of these char-
acteristics, it is not recommended that
you shampoo cotton rugs or carpet with
your floor machine.
Before you begin
1. Test for colorfastness
Apply some HOOVER Rug and Carpet
Shampoo solution (shampoo mixed with
water according to directions on the
shampoo container) or dry foam to a
small inconspicuous area of the carpet
and rub with a white cloth. Check to
see that color does not come off on the
cloth and that the color of the carpet is
satisfactory after the area dries.
(C) is screwed on tightly (see
Maintenance Section for care of foam
To convert the unit for shampooing, fit
notch (D) on rug shampoo accessory
onto wheel axle of unit. Snap into place.
Press sides and front of accessory into
place, completely covering bottom of
floor machine.