
Never usea spray cleanertoclean the doorpanel forit coulddamage the door lock and electrical components. It is notallowed
to use the abrasiveagentorsome paper towel becauseofthe risk of scratching orleaving spotson the stainless steel surface.
To cleanthe edge around the door, you should use onlya soft warm, damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of waterinto thedoor lock andelectrical components, do notuse a spray cleaner
Also, neveruse abrasive cleaners orscouring padsonthe outersurfacesbecause they will
scratch the finish.Some papers towels can also scratch orleave marks on thesurface.
After every wash, turn off the watersupply to the
appliance and leave the door slightly ajar so that
moistureand odors are not trapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
removetheplugfromthesocket. Donot runrisks.
Toclean the exterior andrubber parts ofthedishwasher,
do notuse solvents or abrasive cleaningproducts.
Rather,use only a clothand warm soapy water.
Toremove spotsor stainsfrom the surface of the
interior, use aclothdampened withwaterand a little
white vinegar, or a cleaning product made specifically
for dishwashers.
When you goonholiday,it is recommened that you runa
wash cyclewith the dishwasher empty andthen remove
the plug from the socket,turnoff thewater supply and
leave the door of the appliance slightly ajar. Thiswill help
the seals last longer and prevent odorsfromforming
within the appliance.
If theappliance must be moved,try to keep it in thevertical
position.If absolutely necessary, it can bepositioned on
its back.
One ofthe factors that cause odors to form in the
dishwasher isfood thatremains trappedin the seals.
Periodic cleaningwith a damp spongewill prevent this
from occurring.