Shampooer base
Remove brushes and dry bottom of shampoo-polisher with a paper towel
or cloth before storing.
The brushes need to be washed in warm water and detergent to remove
wax. Rinse well. Shake to remove excess water. To dry, place on paper
towels with brushes turned toward towels. Let brushes dry before reattach-
ing. To clean shampoo brushes, hold under warm water to remove any lint
that has collected. Wash cleaning-waxing pads the same way as brushes;
rinse, and shake water from them.
Felt and high lustre
polishing pads
The pads should be washed oc-
casionally to remove wax. If
shampoo-polisher does not glide
easily when buffing floors, it may
be due to an accumulation of
wax on the pads. Pads should be
washed in the same way as
brushes. Shake the high lustre
polishing pads several times
while drying to restore fluffiness.
Let pads dry thoroughly before
using. Felt pads will be damaged
if used while damp and neither
felt nor high lustre polishing pads
will polish well if they are not dry.
Wrap cord around cord storage
hook located at the bottom of the
tank housing, and then around
the trigger.
Store your shampoo-polisher in a
cleaning closet or convenient
place, ready for use. Hang it on
the wall or remove brushes and
store it with the handle in the
upright position. Never store it on
the brushes.