Conventional Oven - Cooking Chart MEAT
Note: Where times are stated, they are approximate only.
Conventional Oven
Meat Pre-
Te mpe rature
Time (approx.) Position in
Beef Yes 190/200
25-30 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 25 mins over.
Lamb Yes 190/200
25-30 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 25 mins over.
Pork Yes 190/200
30-35 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 30 mins over.
In meat pan
on runner 2
Veal Yes 190/200
25-35 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 30 mins over.
up to 4kg (8lb)
Yes 180/190
18-20 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 20 mins over.
Turkey up to
5.5kg (12lb)
Ye s 1 9 0
22 mins per 450g (1lb) eg.
5.5 kg (11lb) = 242 mins
Runner 3
from bottom
of oven
Turkey over
5.5kg (12lb)
Ye s 1 8 0
18 mins per 450g (1lb) eg.
10 kg (22lb) = 352 mins
Yes 140/160 2-2 ½ hrs Runner 3
If using aluminium foil, never:
1. Allow foil to touch sides of oven.
2. Cover oven interior with foil.
3. Cover shelves with foil.
The most accurate method of testing the readiness of joints of meat or whole poultry is to insert a meat thermometer
into the thickest part of a joint, or the thickest part of poultry thighs, during the cooking period. The meat thermometer
will indicate when the required internal temp has been reached.
Beef: Rare: 60°C Lamb: 80°C Poultry: 90°C
Medium: 70°C Pork: 90°C
Well Done: 75°C Veal: 75°C