160 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
Figure 7-10 SysML Parametric Diagram for the Rain Sensing Wiper system
Requirement allocation is shown in PDs using compartments: In Figure 7-10
the requirement allocation compartment is displayed in both the constraint
used for comparison and the part representing the configuration file. These
elements satisfy the requirement named System Calibration.
Behavior modeling
For behavior and activity modeling, see Balmelli’s article,
and reference within it
to Bock.
As noted above, the major difference between UML and SysML in this
area is that SysML has improved semantics to handle continuous behavior.
Laurent Balmelli, An Overview of the Systems Modeling Language for Products and Systems
Development, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6, no. 6, July-August 2007, pp. 149-177
Conrad Bock, SysML and UML 2 Support for Activity Modeling, Wiley InterScience, DOI
10.1002/sys, http://www.mel.nist.gov/msidlibrary/doc/sysmlactivity.pdf