all subsequent owners for
a period of three (3) year (parts and labor) for all loudspeaker and/or electronic
components from any failure as a result of an original manufacturing defect so
iong as: (I) your Infinity product was originally purchased within the fifty United
States or by military personnel irom an authorized military outlet, (2) the dealer
from whom the products were purchased was authorized by lnfinrty to self such
products a: the iime of original purchase and (3) the original, dated Bill of Sale iS
presented whenever service is requrred durrng the warranty period. This
warranty is only valid for service within the United States and does
products purchased elsewhere; other purchasers shouid contact their focal
and workmanship. The following are not covered: damage caused by accident,
mrsuse. abuse, neglect, product modihcation; damage occurring during
shrpmeni, damage caused by farlure to follow instrucbons in the owner’s guide,
iacfuding failure to perform recommended periodrc or routine maintenance:
damage iesu!trng from repairs by someone not authorized by Infrnrty; units used
for other than car use; units not used for their intended purpose; claims based
upon any misrepreseniations by the seller; and any lnfiruiy product on which the
efaced or removed.
Infinity will
In the event that your lnfmity
should require service, you should first
contaci either the !nfinity dealer from whom the product was purchased or an
authorized service center. For the name of an infinity service center, visit our
Web site at www.lnfinity sysiems.com. wine us directly at Infinity (ATTN:
Customer Service) at 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797. or call
(800) 553-3332. We may direct you to an authorized service center for infinity
products or ask you to send the product to us for repair. In either case, you will
have to present your original Bill of Sale to establish warranty coverage. Do not
send your product to us without prior authorization from our Customer Service
Department. You are responsible for transporting your product to eiiher Infinity
or an authorized service center and for payment of ail shopping charges:
however, infinity will pay the return shipping charges (in the event you return the
product to us) if the repairs are covered by warraniy. If you experience difficulty
in transporting your product or are in need of packing materials, please advise
us and we may be able to suggest alternative procedures and/or provide
adequate packing materials
infinity is not responsible for incidental or consequential damage of any kind. Our
liabiliiy is limited to the repair or replacement, at our option, oi a defective product.
Scme states do not allow limitations on how long an rmplred warranty lasts and/or
do not allow the exclusion of rncidenial or consequential damages, so the above
limitations or exclusions may not apply to you This warranty gives you specific
legal rights and you may also have other rights, whrch vary. from state to state
NOTE: in the event that there is a difference between this warranty and the
provisions in any advertrsements. product brochure, or packaging cartons. the
terms of this warranty will prevail
Infinity conhnually strives to update and improve existmg products, as well as
create new ones. The specifications and construction details in this and reiated
lnfrnity publications are, therefore. subjec; to change without no?ice.
0 ,ec3 inflnlty SgStemS ix
2% Crossways Park onve. Woodbury NY 1,797 USA
IS a
trademark of Infinity Systems. Inc.
P/N: 3358” I-001