74 Chapter 7 Diagnostic Menu
Section 7.3 Testing the Keypad
7.3 Testing the Keypad
This allows you to test each key to ensure the proper value returns.
Display Action
To access the extended menu, restart the terminal
by pressing [1] + [CAN] + [OK]; while the terminal
is starting up, access the extended menu by
pressing the [1] and [3] keys simultaneously.
Extended Menu
Serialnum Inject
System Config
System Info
Supervisor Menu
Diagnostic Menu
Press [], [Enter] to select Diagnostic Menu.
Diagnostic Menu
Press [], [Enter] to select Keypad.
0 (0x30)
To exit, press “CAN”
Press a key to test. (Here, we pressed 0).
The key value and hexadecimal value stored in the
terminal’s memory returns. When finished, press
7.4 Testing the Beeper
This feature tests the beeper by sounding and displaying each possible beep type.
Display Action
To access the extended menu, restart the terminal
by pressing [1] + [CAN] + [OK]; while the terminal
is starting up, access the extended menu by
pressing the [1] and [3] keys simultaneously.
Extended Menu
Serialnum Inject
System Config
System Info
Supervisor Menu
Diagnostic Menu
Press [], [Enter] to select Diagnostic Menu.
Diagnostic Menu
Press [], [Enter] to select Beeper.