Warnings About Handling
Use extreme care when filling.
Use extreme care when filling your SmartDose Liquid
Oxygen Portable.
Keep unit in an upright position. Always ensure that the
portable is in an upright position. Turning the portable on its
side will cause venting of oxygen from the relief valve. It is
normal to hear a loud noise when a full unit is moved into
a horizontal position. The nois
e is excess gas pressure
escaping from the relief valve.
Cautions & Notes
Do not disassemble. The SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable
contains no user serviceable parts. If service is required,
contact your home medical equipment provider or
authorized service center.
Use AA alkaline batteries. If using rechargeable batteries,
it is recommended to use ≥1800 mAh Ni-MH (Nickel Metal
Hydride) batteries.
Both batteries must be of the same type
capacity. Do NOT mix battery types.
Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of
a physician.
Portable and mobile RF (Radio Frequency) communications
equipment can affect the SmartDose Liquid Oxygen
Have a full cylinder of oxygen on hand. CHAD Therapeutics
recommends the medical equipment provider leave a full
cylinder o
f oxygen with the patient after setting up the
SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable, and instructing the
patient to always keep a full cylinder on hand.
Allow portable to stabilize after filling. After filling the
SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable, CHAD Therapeutics
recommends waiting at least 5 to 10 minutes before using
it. This allows the liquid oxygen to stabilize within the
portable and be
tter maintain the prescription flow setting.
Continuous Flow may be less than prescribed dose.
Oxygen Duration of Portable
The SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable comes in two sizes. The table
shows approximately how long liquid oxygen lasts at different settings for
each model.
*These durations are based on the SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable being set in
SmartDose mode, settings at a nominal 20 BPM.
For more information, refer to the “SmartDose Liquid Oxygen Portable
Delivery Modes” section in this manual.