Insignia NS-4V24/NS-8V24 Pilot MP3 Player
Listening to FM radio
You can listen to FM radio broadcasts on your player.
Tuning the radio
To tune to an FM radio station:
1 Plug your earphones into the earphone jack.
2 Press
(Menu). The main menu opens.
3 Select FM Radio, then press (Play/Pause).
4 Press
(Previous) or (Next) to scan to the next station.
5 Press the Rating button to open the FM option menu. This menu allows you to:
• FM Settings—go to the FM settings menu
• Save RBDS information
Setting station presets
Station presets let you quickly access your favorite frequencies.
To set station presets manually:
1 Tune to an FM radio station frequency.
2 Press and release
(Play/Pause). The Preset Add menu opens.
3 Scroll down the list until you find the preset you want to save with the currently tuned station, then press
To set station presets automatically:
1 Press
(Menu). The main menu opens.
2 Select FM Settings, then press (Play/Pause).
3 Select Auto Scanning, then press (Play/Pause). The player scans the radio range and flashes the
message Auto Scanning.
While scanning, the player automatically adds a preset for any local strong stations until all 20 preset
channels have been set.
To use the FM radio, you must have the provided earphones connected, because they act as the FM antenna. To
substitute for the earphones, you can use any headphones with unshielded wires.
Mono mode can help reduce static when listening to stations that have a weak signal. You can change to Mono mode
using the Settings, FM Radio, Stereo menu.