Insignia NS-CNV43 GPS
Your departure and estimated arrival times are updated on Twitter.
Your route is updated at regular time intervals. When you arrive at your
destination your location is updated.
Checking Twitter updates
After you enable Twitter updates, as described in “Setting Twitter” on
page 41, a message notifies you when Twitter updates arrive. Touch Yes to
view them or No to ignore them.
To review all your recent Twitter updates:
1 Touch the Net Apps button on the Main menu. The Net Apps
connected services menu opens.
2 Touch the Twitter button. Your messages are displayed.
By using this feature you are posting your location to your
Twitter account. All of the people that you have authorized to
follow you on Twitter will see your location.
NS-CNV43_09-0696_MAN_ ENG_V1.fm Page 49 Saturday, September 5, 2009 9:07 AM