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Create Account
Below are the following fields that the user will have to complete to create the account:
Email* – the user's email address where they would like to receive alerts and
notifications from the application, cloud service or device activations; this is the
primary account email address.
SMS – stands for Short Messaging Service (also known as Text Messaging). This
is the mobile number where you would like to receive alerts from the application
(e.g., Motion detected, Garage opened, etc).
Password* – the minimum length for a password is 4 characters.
Reenter Password* – re-enter the password to verify.
* Required Fields
Create Account (cont.)
When you tap the “Create Account” button you will receive two emails. One will require you to activate the account
and the other will welcome you to the service. If you supplied an SMS number, a text message will also be sent and
require you to reply with a four digit approval code.
When you click on the link in the email, you will be taken to the http://connect.insteon.com
web page and receive a
confirmation message indicating that the account has been successfully created.
Until you approve the email and SMS, you will not be able to receive alert notifications. You will also see a
popup reminder each time you finish adding a device.
For a customer to be able to login their existing account the following is required:
Email* – this is the email that the customer used to create the account
with the INSTEON Connect Cloud Service.
Password* – the password that was used for the initial account
Stay signed in – turning this on will keep you from having to enter your
credentials each time you access the app.
*Required Fields