INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camera
NOTE: If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, you cannot change the record path. Set it
following the instructions:
Windows 7 or Vista's security level is higher than Windows XP/2000. For "set record path"
function, add the Device IP address to the IE's “Trusted sites”: IEToolsInternet
OptionsSecurityTrusted sitesSitesAdd
3.4 Multi-Device Settings
IP Camera Tool can support up to nine cameras simultaneously.
3.4.1 Add Cameras in LAN
In Multi-Device Settings, you can see all of the devices that were found on the LAN. The first
device listed is the default. You can add more cameras in the list for monitoring.
To add an additional camera to monitor, click the selected camera in LAN device list; the alias,
host, and HTTP port boxes will automatically be filled in. Enter the correct username and
password, then click Add. After all cameras have been added, choose Submit.