24 HMP Release 2.0 for Windows Software Installation Guide — December 2005
Installing the Software
“Uninstalling a Previous Release”, on page 14) and then use the procedure in Section 2.3,
“Performing a Full Install of the Software”, on page 20.
The update install gives you the latest software for the features that you selected when you did the
full install of the system release that is currently on your system. If you want an additional feature
that wasn’t previously installed (for example, Demos), first perform the update install and then
perform the procedure in Section 2.7, “Adding or Removing Installed Features”, on page 31.
Note: Make sure you’ve satisfied all the relevant prerequisites before installing the software. Prerequisites
are described in Section 2.1, “Prerequisites for Software Installation”, on page 13. For information
about the various installation scenarios, refer to Section 1.1, “Choosing the Appropriate Installation
Procedure”, on page 9. For more information about the features you can install, refer to
Section 2.1.4, “Determining Which Features to Install”, on page 17.
1. Exit all other programs you may have running.
2. Insert the HMP Release 2.0 CD-ROM in your system or download the software from the
website (http://www.intel.com/design/network/products/telecom/software/index.htm).
If the installation process does not start automatically when you insert the CD-ROM, locate the
autorun.exe program on the CD-ROM and double-click on the filename.
If you download the software from the website, you can double-click on autorun.exe to get the
navigation screen described in Step 3 or if you just want to start the installation, you can
double-click the setup.exe file (in that case, skip to Step 4).
3. A navigation screen appears (Figure 2), giving you options such as viewing release
information, installing the software, viewing product documentation, and going to Intel’s
Telecom Support Resources website.
When you are ready to proceed with the installation, click on Install Intel
4. The Welcome screen appears. It shows the version number of the currently installed software
and the version number of the software that you are about to install. Click Next.
5. The Start Copying Files screen appears. This screen shows you the components (features) that
are currently installed. These components will be updated. If you want to add or remove any
components, finish the update install first, then use the procedure in Section 2.7, “Adding or
Removing Installed Features”, on page 31. To start updating the software, click Next.
6. A Setup Status screen will show the progress of the installation. This screen also shows you
what is being installed and where it is being installed.
Note: The Setup Status screen will indicate that all files are being installed. This is not
actually the case. Files that have changed will be updated based on
version/timestamp. The InstallShield engine processes each file that was previously
installed and compares the version/timestamp on the system to that in the build. If the
file in the build has a higher version number or later timestamp, then the file will be
installed. Otherwise, the InstallShield engine skips to the next file. The Setup Status
screen incorrectly indicates that all files are being installed. This is a known issue
with InstallShield Software.