C H A P T E R 2 Intel Device View
System Requirements
Requirements for Intel
Device View under
You need a PC with the following minimum requirements to run Intel
Device View:
• Microsoft Windows NT workstation or server, version 4.0, or
Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98.
(Windows NT 4.0 English language version workstation recom-
• A network adapter installed.
• 30 MB of free hard disk space.
• A color display with 800 x 600 resolution and 256 colors.
• The Microsoft IP protocol must be installed and configured
before installation of Intel Device View.
DHCP limitation Three important things to know:
• Do not use a PC running Windows NT server (with its DHCP
server installed) to run Intel Device View.
• Ensure the IP address for the PC is not changed by the DHCP
• PCs that use a network management system that uses BootP,
DHCP or SNMP Trap Receiving, may have their network man-
agement system disabled by Intel Device View.
Management PC
To manage the switch from a PC connected directly to the switch, the
PC must not use frame tagging. To manage the switch from a PC with
IEEE 802.1Q tagged frames, management must be through a device
which untags the frames.
Requirements for Intel
Device View on the Web
You need a PC with the following minimum requirements to run Intel
Device View:
• One of the following running: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server
with Internet Information Server (IIS) 2.0 or later; or Windows
NT Workstation with Peer Web Services.
• 30 MB of free hard disk space.
• The Microsoft IP protocol must be installed and configured
before installation of Intel Device View.
500.book Page 18 Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:44 PM