Intel Customer Support Common System Configuration Issues using Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver 37
11.3.7 Symptom: Corrupted Files when Using Norton* Speed Disk*
Some customers have reported issues using the Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver with Norton*
Speed Disk.* The main issue reported has been corrupted files. We are investigating these
reports. At this time, we recommend that you do not use Norton Speed Disk with the Intel Ultra
ATA Storage Driver.
11.3.8 Symptom: 'Inaccessible Boot Device' in Windows* 2000 when
Using Adaptec* Easy CD Creator* Version 4.02c_s10
When installing the Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver after Easy CD Creator* version 4.02c_s10
on systems with Windows* 2000 installed, the system will fail to complete installation of the Intel
Ultra ATA Storage Driver resulting in a blue screen error. Following this condition, the system
will not be bootable and will report an 'Inaccessible Boot Device' error at each subsequent
Resolution: This issue can be prevented by first upgrading to version 4.02e (or newer version)
of Easy CD Creator before installing the Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver. Version 4.02e of Easy
CD Creator can be obtained from the following Roxio* (now a subsidiary of Adaptec,* Inc.)
website: http://www.roxio.com
After extensive investigation with Roxio of the 'Inaccessible Boot Device' error message, we
have found that the Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver is not the root cause of these
incompatibilities. However, Intel is continuing to work with Roxio to resolve this issue as soon as
possible. Please visit Roxio's website for future updates and/or workarounds.
11.3.9 Symptom: CD Recording Device Not Recognized by Adaptec*
Easy CD Creator*
If your CD recording device is not recognized by Adaptec* Easy CD Creator,* please update to
the latest version by going to http://www.roxio.com
for the latest CD-R/CD-RW device support.
Roxio* is now a subsidiary of Adaptec, Inc.
11.3.10 Symptom: ‘Old or Out-of-Date Firmware’ Error Message
Appears in System Event Log
Some customers have reported that an 'old or out-of-date firmware' message appears in the
system event log when using Windows* 2000 and Windows NT* 4.0. Microsoft* has posted a
Knowledge Base article regarding this issue that is available on Microsoft's website
11.3.11 Symptom: High 'CPU utilization' Reported in HD Tach* Utility
Some customers have reported that version 2.61 of HD Tach* (utility created by TCD Labs*,
Inc.) reports high 'CPU utilization' when the Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver is installed. After
further investigation of HD Tach version 2.61, the producers of HD Tach indicated to Intel that
the tool is targeted as a disk and driver tuning tool and not necessarily as a benchmark for
grading the real-life 'CPU utilization' of a storage driver. Listed below is the technical
explanation of why the 'CPU utilization' is reported as higher in HD Tach version 2.61 when the
Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver is installed: