6 Desktop Board Resources
Memory Map
Table 35. System Memory Map
Address Range (decimal) Address Range (hex) Size Description
1024 K - 4194304 K 100000 - FFFFFFFF 4095 MB Extended Memory
960 K - 1024 K F0000 - FFFFF 64 KB Runtime BIOS
896 K - 960 K E0000 - EFFFF 64 KB Reserved
800 K - 896 K C8000 - DFFFF 96 KB Available high DOS memory (open to the
PCI bus)
640 K - 800 K A0000 - C7FFF 160 KB Video memory and BIOS
639 K - 640 K 9FC00 - 9FFFF 1 KB Extended BIOS data (movable by
memory manager software)
512 K - 639 K 80000 - 9FBFF 127 KB Extended conventional memory
0 K - 512 K 00000 - 7FFFF 512 KB Conventional memory
DMA Channels
Table 36. DMA Channels
DMA Channel Number Data Width System Resource
0 8 or 16 bits
1 8 or 16 bits Parallel port
2 8 or 16 bits Floppy drive
3 8 or 16 bits Parallel port (for ECP or EPP)
4 8 or 16 bits DMA controller
5 16 bits Open
6 16 bits Open
7 16 bits Open