Equipment Rack Precautions
ANCHOR THE EQUIPMENT RACK: The equipment rack must be anchored
to an unmovable support to prevent it from falling over when one or more
servers are extended in front of it on slide assemblies. The anchors must
be able to withstand a force of up to 113 kg (250 lbs). You must also
consider the weight of any other device installed in the rack.
MAIN AC POWER DISCONNECT: You are responsible for installing an AC
power disconnect for the entire rack unit. This main disconnect must be
readily accessible, and it must be labeled as controlling power to the
entire unit, not just to the server(s).
GROUNDING THE RACK INSTALLATION: To avoid the potential for an
electrical shock hazard, you must include a third wire safety grounding
conductor with the rack installation. If server power cords are plugged
into AC outlets that are part of the rack, then you must provide proper
grounding for the rack itself. If server power cords are plugged into wall
AC outlets, the safety grounding conductor in each power cord provides
proper grounding only for the server. You must provide additional,
proper grounding for the rack and other devices installed in it.
Overcurrent protection: The server is designed for an AC line voltage
source with up to 20 amperes of overcurrent protection. If the power
system for the equipment rack is installed on a branch circuit with more
than 20 amperes of protection, you must provide supplemental protection
for the server. If more than one server is installed in the rack, the power
source for each server must be from a separate branch circuit. The
overall current rating of a server configured with three power supplies is
under 12 amperes.
Temperature: The operating temperature of the server, when installed in an
equipment rack, must not go below 5 °C (41 °F) or rise above 35 °C (95 °F).
Extreme fluctuations in temperature can cause a variety of problems in your
Ventilation: The equipment rack must provide sufficient airflow to the front
of the server to maintain proper cooling. It must also include ventilation
sufficient to exhaust a maximum of 4,100 Btu's per hour for the server. The
rack selected and the ventilation provided must be suitable to the environment
in which the server will be used.