SE7500CW2 Troubleshooting Guide - 8 - 08/21/02
Other Questions
General Questions
1) Is it possible to enable hyper-threading under Red Hat Linux 7.2 on the
SE7500CW2 server board?
In order to enable hyper-threading using Intel® Xeon™ processors under Red Hat Linux
7.2 it is necessary to download and recompile the 7.2 base kernel with the “Hyper-
Threading” patch found at http://www.redhat.com/. Look for advisory number RHSA-
2002:028-13 for all details and the downloadable patch. Keep in mind, once you
recompile your kernel with this patch, some of your drivers may not work any longer. Intel
only provides drivers for the base Red Hat 7.2 kernel.
Native support for hyper-threading is available in Red Hat Linux 7.3 and the SE7500CW2
server board supports this operating system. For this reason, Intel recommends using Red
Hat Linux 7.3 instead of 7.2.
2) What order must I populate processor sockets?
Processors must be populated in the sequential order; that is, processor Socket #1 must
be populated before processor Socket #2. Please refer to the configuration label, product
documentation or board silkscreen for assistance identifying the correct processor socket.
3) How do I disable Hyper-Threading Technology?
Hyper-Threading can be disabled in BIOS setup, under the “Advanced” menu. This will
cause performance degradation on some applications.
4) Do I need a processor terminator for Intel® Xeon ™ processors on
You do not need to populate a terminator in an unused processor socket
5) How do I ensure redundancy across Promise ATA 100 RAID controllers?
When creating a RAID array using the Promise ATA 100 RAID controller, keep in mind
redundancy can only be obtained when your drives are spread across the two channels.
You cannot obtain redundancy if you have a Master / Slave configuration on a single
channel. In order for a redundant array to be valid, a Master / Master configuration should
be used or a Master w/ Slave & Master w/ Slave configuration. If you have a Master /
Slave on a single channel and the master driver goes off-line, your slave drive will also go
off-line. Data will not be lost, but your RAID array will be unavailable and this could cause
unwanted downtime on your server.