General Specifications Intel® Server Board SE7501WV2 TPS
Revision 1.0
Intel reference number C25653-001
SR1300 Chassis Device(s) 3.3V 5.V 12.V -12.V 5.VSB 3.3VSB
Processors 13.A
Memory DIMMs 5.9A
Server Board 6.6A 2.6A .5A .A 1.4A
Fans 1.8A
Keyboard/Mouse .4A
PCI Slots (standby on full height slots only) 2.1A 2.8A .5A .5A .1A
Peripherals 2.6A 3.5A .1A
Total Current 8.7A 8.4A 25.2A .5A 1.4A .2A Total Power
Total Power 28.7W 42.W 302.4W -6.W 7.W .5W 367.7W
10.3 Power Supply Specifications
This section provides power supply design guidelines for an SE7501WV2-based system,
including voltage and current specifications, and power supply on/off sequencing
Table 97. Intel
Server Board SE7501WV2 Static Power Supply Voltage Specification
Parameter Min Nom Max Units Tolerance
+3.3 V +3.25 +3.30 +3.35 V
+5 V +4.90 +5.00 +5.10 V
+12 V +11.76 +12.00 +12.24 V
-12 V -11.40 -12.20 -13.08 V
+5 VSB +4.85 +5.00 +5.20 V
Table 98. Intel
Server Board SE7501WV2 Dynamic Power Supply Voltage Specification
Output Min Max Tolerance
+3.3 V 3.20 V 3.46 V +5 / -3 %
+5 V 4.80 V 5.25 V +5 / -4 %
+12 V 11.52 V 12.6 V +5 / -4 %
+5 V SB 4.80 V 5.25 V +5/ -4%
10.3.1 Power Timing
This section discusses the timing requirements for operation with a single power supply. The
output voltages must rise from 10% to within regulation limits (T
) within 5 ms to 70 ms.
The +3.3 V, +5 V and +12 V output voltages start to rise approximately at the same time. All
outputs must rise monotonically. The +5 V output must be greater than the +3.3 V output during
any point of the voltage rise, however, never by more than 2.25 V. Each output voltage shall
reach regulation within 50 ms (T
) of each other and begin to turn off within 400 ms (T
of each other. The following figure shows the output voltage timing parameters.