16 Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31)
Quick Start Guide
During the installation of UnixWare, you will be prompted to install the
Network Information Services (NIS) package.
When prompted defer the installation of NIS by pressing F8 on the NIS
configuration screen. If you decide at a later time to install NIS, you can do so
using the pkgadd(1) command.
3 Install the Netscape browser. The Netscape browser is provided in the SCO
UnixWare CD-ROM Disk 2 of 3.
4 After completing the UnixWare installation insert the Intel Server RAID
Controller U3-1 CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and mount the CD-ROM.
a. Create a directory to mount the file. For example, type mkdir
cdfiles at the prompt.
b. Mount the CD-ROM to the folder by typing:
mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdfiles
5 Launch the installer by typing the following:
a. Type cd /cdfiles/os_setup/unixware
b. Type sh install to start the install script
Installation Components and Preinstallation Requirements
Launched Scripts
c. Select option 1 (by typing 1) to install the requirements and
components. See the figure above. The launched scripts are shown in
the figure below.