16 iRobot Scooba Owner’s Manual
Scooba’s Virtual Wall
The Scooba Virtual Wall creates an invisible barrier that
Scooba will not cross. Virtual Walls can be set to block areas
from three to eight feet wide.
TIP: Use the Virtual Wall to block doorways or to keep Scooba away from cords.
The Virtual Wall beam is keyhole
shaped. A small halo prevents
Scooba from bumping the Virtual
Wall and a larger lobe-shaped
section blocks off areas of your
home where you don’t want
Scooba to go.
Virtual Walls require 2 “D”
batteries. Virtual Walls will
automatically shut themselves off
at the end of a cleaning cycle.
TIP: For best performance, place the Virtual Wall on the outside of the
doorway you wish to block, and always set the Virtual Wall to the shortest
setting possible.