The Virtual Wall Units
The Virtual Wall Unit keeps Roomba in the room or area you want cleaned.It uses an invisible beam of light to block
13+ foot-wide open doorways or to close off other large areas.Use the Virtual Wall Unit to block open doorways or clean
one portion of a large room.Multiple Virtual Wall Units can be used to block off multiple doorways or open areas,or extra-
wide openings.The Roomba Pro and Pro Elite both come with two Virtual Wall Units.
Virtual Wall Unit Battery Installation
1. Open the Battery Door located on the bottom of each
unit by first loosening the screw (see Figure 9).
2. Insert 2 new “D”size alkaline batteries (not included)
in each unit by following the “+”and “-”symbols.
3. Replace the Battery Door and tighten the screw.
Figure 10a: Close-up of the Virtual Wall Unit.
Beam Emitter
Battery Door
Range Selector Switch
Power Button
Power Light
To ensure proper function and avoid
battery leakage:
1. Always use alkaline batteries.
2. Do not mix old and new batteries.
3. Do not mix alkaline,standard or
rechargeable batteries.
4. Batteries should be installed by an adult.
5. Non-rechargeable batteries are not to
be recharged.
6. Rechargeable batteries are to be removed
from the product before being charged.
7. Only batteries of the same or equivalent
type as recommended are to be used.
8. Batteries are to be inserted with the
correct polarity.
9. Exhausted or dead batteries are to be
removed from the product.
10. The supply terminals are not to be
short circuited.
11. Remove batteries before storing.
Figure 9: Insert 2 “D”-size
alkaline batteries in the
bottom of each Virtual
Wall Unit.
Pausing and Stopping Roomba
Roomba can be paused temporarily during a cleaning cycle,then set back on the cleaning cycle where it left off.Roomba
may also be stopped at any time,at which point it will clear the current cleaning cycle to prepare for another.
Pausing Roomba in a Cleaning Cycle
To temporarily pause Roomba while it’s in a cleaning cycle simply pick it up by its handle,or press any button on Roomba
except the Power Button.The button corresponding to the cleaning cycle that Roomba has temporarily paused will flash.
(Note: If you are using the Roomba Remote,please see additional information in
The Roomba Remote on page 12.) Note
that Roomba will shut itself off,clearing its current cleaning cycle,if it is left paused for more than five minutes.
Spot Cleaning during a Cleaning Cycle
Roomba can clean a spot one or more times while it is paused in the middle of a cleaning cycle,then continue the cleaning
cycle afterward.To Spot Clean during a cleaning cycle,do the following:
1. Pause Roomba.
2. Press the Spot Button.Roomba will play its brief“Spot Cleaning”tune,then start cleaning a 3-foot-wide area.
3. After Roomba completes the Spot Cleaning Cycle (1-2 minutes),it will play it’s “Done Spot Cleaning”tune,and go back
to being paused.
Un-Pausing Roomba
To un-pause Roomba and continue it’s cleaning cycle,press any button on Roomba except the Power or Spot Button.
Roomba will play its brief “Back to the Cleaning Cycle”tune and start cleaning again where it left offin its cleaning cycle.
Stopping Roomba
To turn Roomba off,press the Power Button.
Hint: If Roomba is moving, you can press any button or lift Roomba up to pause it first before turning Roomba off.
To stop Roomba in order to start a new cleaning cycle,do one of the following:
1. Press the Power Button twice to turn Roomba off then on again.Roomba is now ready to start a fresh cleaning cycle.
Empty both sides of the Particle Bin,then press a desired Cleaning Cycle Button to start cleaning.
2. To start Roomba cleaning on a new cleaning cycle quickly,press and hold the desired new cleaning cycle button while
it’s cleaning,until you hear Roomba play its “Start Up”tune and start the new cleaning cycle.
Pro Elite Manual MECH.qxd 7/11/03 11:35 AM Page 11