Page 19 801P5 Smart Switch
To change the set points, press the [MENU] key (See Figure 7).
The first menu item is SP1i, for Set point 1, increasing. To change
a set point:
1. If you want to change a set point other than SP1i, select the
set point by pressing the arrow keys, then press [SELECT].
The furthest right digit will blink.
2. Use the [SELECT] key to move to the digit you want to
3. Use the [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys to change the value of
the digit.
4. When the value is correct, press the [SELECT] key to move to
another digit. Repeat this until you have the correct value for
this set point.
5. Use the [STORE] key to temporarily save the changes and
return to the main menu.
6. Press [RUN]and then [SELECT] to permanently save the
setting and return to On-Line operation.
If you have set an invalid set point, the error message EROR will
be displayed. Possible causes for errors are:
• INCREASE value is equal to or lower than DECREASE value.
• Values exceed range limits
• Deadband is less than 1% of F.S.O.