7. Using a T-15 screwdriver, remove
the two Torx-head screws on the
display board and set them aside
(see Figure 16 below). Disconnect
the ribbon cable from display board.
8. Using a T-15 screwdriver, remove
the 16 Torx-head screws on the
perforated shield and set them aside
(see Figure 16).
Figure 16. Removing the fuse from the
A6000GTi amplifier.
9. Using a small flat-blade screwdriver,
disconnect the wiring for the neon
10. Remove the perforated shield and
set it aside.
11. Replace the fuse or a neon tube as
• To replace the fuse on the ampli-
fier circuit board (see Figure 16),
use a 7⁄16-inch hex-socket driver
to remove the two fuse nuts and
then discard the failed fuse.
Fasten the replacement fuse
in place using the two fuse nuts.
• To replace a neon tube (see
Figure 17), use a T-15 screwdriver
and pliers to remove the two
Torx-head screws, nuts and
washers on the two clamps that
hold each neon tube in place.
Remove the failed neon tube
and unscrew its wires.
On the replacement neon tube, clip off
the cigarette lighter adapter. Then strip
the wires and screw the ends to the
connector. Refasten the two clamps
with hardware in place around the
neon tube. If needed, repeat this pro-
cedure for another failed neon tube.
Figure 17. Neon tube locations on the
A6000GTi amplifier.
12. Reassemble the amplifier in reverse
order, as discussed in Steps 1
through 10.