Engine Operation - Except 4.5L “270” Engines
OURGP11,0000076 –19–27JUL06–2/3
RG13279 –UN–30OCT03
Analog Throttle Control and Speed Select Switch On Earlier Panel
(Left) or Later Panel (Right)
A—Analog Throttle Control (Optional)
B—Speed Select Rocker Switch
4. Set slow idle as follows:
Panels with high-low speed select rocker switch
(B) only: Set slow speed by pressing lower half of
Panels with optional analog throttle(s) (A) : Set
high-low speed select rocker switch to slow (turtle),
then push in on analog throttle handle or turn full
counterclockwise to set analog throttle(s) to slow
IMPORTANT: Do not operate the starter for more than
30 seconds at a time. To do so may
overheat the starter. If the engine does
not start the first time, wait at least 2
minutes before trying again. If engine
does not start after four attempts, see
Troubleshooting section.
Continued on next page