Licensing of John Deere RTK Radio 450
DK01672,0000140 -19-25JUL11-1/1
DK01672,0000141 -19-25JUL11-1/1
Licensing of John Deere RTK Radio 450
The standard (869MHz, 900MHz) RTK product sold by
John Deere uses ISM band radios. These radios do not
require licensing by the end user. The radios are limited
to a specic frequency range and 1W/ 0.5W maximum
output power. While this system works for the majority of
applications, the reliability of the RTK link may become
limited when passing through trees and dense foliage.
The intent of RTK Radio 450 is to increase the range and
reliability of the RTK link. To overcome the attenuation
of adverse eld conditions, transmission power greater
than standard (869MHz, 900MHz) RTK is needed. While
there is some added benet from using a radio with lower
frequency and longer wavelength, the signal strength
is the dominant factor in the radio link reliability. To
legally transmit at a higher power, RTK Radio 450 uses
a licensed band radio. The end user of the licensed
band transmitting radio is responsible for obtaining and
maintaining a valid site license from the local spectrum
authorities. In RTK Radio 450 system, this requires a
license for each base station and repeater.
Vehicle radios in RTK Radio 450 system are not
transmitters. Since they only receive corrections from the
base or repeater, RTK Radio 450 vehicle radios do not
require a site license.
An end user can apply for the license by applying directly
to the local spectrum authority:
NOTE: Visit www.StellarSupport.com for license
request examples and links to Authority for
different countries.
An end user can also apply with the aid of a frequency
coordinator. A frequency coordinator is a private company
that has been certied by the local frequency spectrum
authority to recommend and aid in the application for a
licenses. For a fee, these third party coordinators will
reduce the complexity and confusion of the application
process. However, the nal responsibility of the license
still resides with the end user.
Check www.StellarSupport.com for country specic
instructions on how to obtain a site license.
IMPORTANT: Please contact your local radio
authorities or partnering frequency coordinator
for region specic regulations and licensing.
License Renewal Scams
After being granted a license for RTK Radio 450 radio,
base station operators should be aware of license
renewal scams. Spectrum licenses are public record.
Other companies could retrieve licensee information
and then mail current license holders offers to prepare
applications for license renewal. The letters contain
warnings that there will be monetary penalties if the
licensee does not comply. These companies are not
afliated with government spectrum authorities. They are
taking advantage of the public record and the licensee’s
desire to comply with the law. Their intention is to charge
a “processing” fee on top of the actual amount that a
licensee would pay for renewal. While it is important to
not let your license expire, licensees should work directly
with their local spectrum authority or a certied frequency
coordinator. Internet searches of the companies involved
usually identify if the company is relevant.
John Deere RTK Radio 450 Compatability
Base Station
StarFire iTC YES YES
StarFire 3000 + Glonass YES YES
StarFire 3000 + Glonass + Repeaters NO YES
IMPORTANT: If a Repeater is used in the John Deere
RTK Radio 450 network it’s recommended
to use StarFire 3000 receivers only for Base
Station and Vehicles. Also uncheck the
“Repeater in Network” function in the StarFire
setup - Congure RTK Network menu if a
StarFire iTC is in the network.