4. Slide the assembled plug underneath the mounting plate and between the bolts (see
photo B).
5. Carefully insert the wires into the supplied 3/8” wire loom (see photo C). Use
electrical tape to attach the wire loom to the wire harness. Use enough wire loom to
follow the contour of the frame until it meets at the hydraulic cross. Cut the excess
wire loom. The excess will be used on the other side of the frame to protect the
wires on the other side (see fig. 4).
6. Starting at the light fixture, use wire ties at the points shown to secure the wires to
the frame (see photo D).
7. Remove the shaft protection.
8. Where the wire harness from the left side meets with the wire harness from the right
side at the hydraulic cross, begin to run both wires and hydraulic hose into the ¾”
wire loom (see photo E).
9. When fitting light harness up to tractor, you may need to separate the wire harness
and the hydraulic hose, so that they may reach the desired socket/port.
10.The light kit is shipped with the extra wire. It may be necessary to cut and splice the
wire to reduce the excess. Use electrical tape to seal splice point (see photo C).
Photo A Photo B
Photo C
Photo D Photo E