
The appl i ance i s desi gned and i nt ended f or househol d use onl y. It
shall only be used for cof fee preparat ion and t o heat milk and wat er,
according to t hese inst ruct ions. Use for any other purpose will be
deemed improper. JURA Elektroapparate AG cannot accept any
responsibility for the consequences of improper use.
Peo p le , i n c l u di n g c h i l dr en , w h o
Z do not have the physical, sensory or mental capabilities to use
the appliance safely or
Z are inexperienced or lack knowledge in how to use the appli-
ance safely
must be supervised by a responsible person when using it, or must
be instructed in how to use it correctly.
Z The power cor d is provi ded t o reduce t he ri sk result i ng f rom
becoming entangled in or tripping over a long cord.
Z The cord shal l be ar ranged so t hat i t wi ll not drape over t he
count er t op or t able t op where it can be pulled on by children
or tripped over.
Z Thi s appl iance has a 3- pi n grounded plug. As a saf et y f eat ure,
this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way.
Z If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it
st ill does not fit , cont act a quali fi ed elect rician.
Z Do not modify the plug in any way or attempt to defeat this
safet y feat ure.
Do NOT use extension cords.
If the user chooses to use an extension cord,
Z the marked electrical rating of the extension cord shall be at
least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, and
Z if the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord
shall be a grounding t ype 3-wire cord, and
Z the longer cord shall be arranged so that it will not drape over
the counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled on by chil-
dren or tripped over.
To r ed uce t h e r i s k o f f i r e or e l e ct ri c s ho c k , D O N O T r e m ov e a ny s e r-
vice covers. DO NOT modify the appliance in any way that is not
described in these instructions. NO user serviceable parts included.
Rep ai r M US T b e d o n e b y au t h o r i zed p er so n n el o n l y .
Intended use
Spe c i a l p o w e r c or d se t