Menu Display and Detailed Settings
Detail/Adjust... Item
* Default values are indicated in bold characters.
Camera Process Menu
Item Setting Values Function
V/H Balance
H-Max, 4 to1,
-1 to -4, H-Min
For setting the H/V balance to enhance contour (detail) in the horizontal (H) or vertical (V)
Increase the number : Enhances contour in the horizontal direction.
Decrease the number : Enhances contour in the vertical direction.
H Frequency
For specifying the correction frequency of the horizontal contour. Set this according to the object.
High : Emphasizes the high frequency range. Use this when shooting objects with fine
Middle : Emphasizes the intermediate frequency range.
Low : Emphasizes the low frequency range. Use this when shooting objects with large
V Frequency
For specifying the correction frequency of the vertical contour. Set this according to the object.
Low : Emphasizes the low frequency range.
High : Emphasizes the high frequency range.
Memo :
● This item can only be selected when [Camera Resolution] of [Record Format] in the
[Record Set] menu is set to A1280x720B. (A Page 75)
Skin Detect
For turning On/Off the Skin Detail function, which is used to adjust the contour correction effect
of the colors captured by the [Skin Color Adjust] menu.
On : Enables the Skin Detail function. (Softens the detail at areas where skin tone is
Off : Disables the Skin Detail function.
Memo :
● Even if [Skin Detect] is set to AOffB, [Skin Detect] is forcibly set to AOnB when the
[SKIN AREA/SPOT METER] switch is flipped. Alternatively, you can set [Skin Detect] to AOffB,
and turn the Skin Detail function On/Off by flipping the lever whenever necessary.
For setting the level of contour correction (degree of softening) using the Skin Detail function.
-3 : High level of contour correction (degree of softening)
-2 : Medium level of contour correction (degree of softening)
-1 : Low level of contour correction (degree of softening)
Skin Color
For setting the Skin Detail function. (A Page 114)
Skin Color
For capturing the skin color.
Execute : Captures the color that triggers the Skin Detail function.
Stop : Disables capturing of the color that triggers the Skin Detail function.
Skin Color
Wide, 9 to 1,
-1 to -9, Narrow
For adjusting the range of skin tone to trigger the Skin Detail function. Adjust accordingly while
checking the color range visually.
Increase the number : Widens the range.
Decrease the number : Narrows the range.
Memo :
● When [Color Gain] in the [Camera Process] menu is set to AOffB, only the area where Skin
Detail is functioning is displayed in skin tone. (A Page 83)