• The fuse blows.
* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?
• Power cannot be turned on.
* Is the yellow lead connected?
• No sound from the speakers.
* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?
• Sound is distorted.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?
• Noise interfere with sounds.
* Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords?
• This unit becomes hot.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?
• This unit does not work at all.
* Have you reset your unit?
Speaker connections for 3-way network speaker system / °“√µËÕ≈”‚æß”À√—∫√–∫∫≈”‚æß“¡∑‘»∑“ß
You can enjoy a world of “pure audio” in your car by connecting 3-way network speaker system
If you have installed the 3-way network speaker system in the car, make sure of the
• Connect the speaker system as illustrated below.
• Before using the system, activate crossover network and preset the appropriate cutoff
frequencies for HPF/LPF (especially for HPF); otherwise, it may damage the speakers.
• For details about the setting, see
pages 28 – 31 of the INSTRUCTIONS.
§ÿ≥“¡“√∂‡æ≈‘¥‡æ≈‘π°—∫‚≈°¢Õß “√–∫∫‡’¬ß¡∫Ÿ√≥Ï·∫∫” „π√∂¬πµÏ‰¥È ¥È«¬°“√µËÕ√–∫∫≈”‚æß“¡∑‘»∑“ß
À“°µ‘¥µ—Èß√–∫∫≈”‚æß“¡∑‘»∑“ß„π√∂¬πµÏ ¢Õ„ÀÈ¥Ÿ®ÿ¥µËÕ‰ªπ’È„ÀÈ¥’
• °“√µËÕ“¬√–∫∫≈”‚æßµ“¡√Ÿª
°ËÕπ„™Èß“π√–∫∫ ¢Õ„Àȇª‘¥√–∫∫¢È“¡‡§√◊բ˓¬ ·≈–µ—Èߧ≈◊Ë𧫓¡∂’˵—¥”À√—∫ HPF/LPF °ËÕπ (‚¥¬‡©æ“–”À√—∫ HPF)
• ¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥„π°“√µ—Èߧ˓‰¥È„π§ŸË¡◊Õ°“√„™Èß“πÀπÈ“ 28 – 31
Connecting subwoofer / °“√µËÕ´—∫«Ÿ‡øÕ√
When connecting the speakers (high-range/mid-range) through the speaker output
‡¡◊ËÕ®–µËÕ≈”‚æß (æ‘—¬Ÿß/æ‘—¬°≈“ß) ºË“π¢—È«Ëß—≠≠“≥ÕÕ°≈”‚æß
When connecting the speakers (high-range/mid-range) through the external amplifiers — to obtain more powerful sound
‡¡◊ËÕ®–µÈÕßµËÕ≈”‚æß (æ‘—¬Ÿß/æ‘—¬°≈“ß) ºË“π‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡’¬ß¿“¬πÕ° ó‡æ◊ËÕ„Àȇ’¬ß∑’Ë ‰¥È¡’æ≈—ß¡“°¢÷Èπ
Right high-range speaker
Left high-range speaker
Left mid-range speaker
Right mid-range speaker
JVC Amplifier
JVC Amplifier
JVC Amplifier
Remote lead
Y-connector (not supplied for this unit)
¢ÈÕµËÕ√Ÿªµ—« Y (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)
Remote lead (blue with white stripe)
“¬µ–°—Ë«•–¬–‰°• (’πÈ”‡ß‘π≈“¬¢“«)
White with black stripe
Gray with black stripe
Green with black stripe
Purple with black stripe
Right high-range speaker
Right mid-range speaker
Left high-range speaker
Left mid-range speaker
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