Saturated Color 1) A color as far from white, black or gray as it
can be (i.e., vermilion rather than pink). 2) A
display misadjustment that results in unnaturally
bright colors.
Scan To scan is to move across a picture frame a line
at a time, either to detect the image, as in an
analog or digital camera, or to refresh a CRT-
based video screen.
Scan Line One of many horizontal lines in a graphics frame.
Scan Rate The frequency of line scanning for a monitor or
Synchronization Also called "sync" for short. Working together. At
the same time, horizontal and vertical sync
signals from the signal source control the
monitor's scan circuits to properly time the lines
and frames of a picture.
Technician Remote Remote control used during Series 200 setup and
adjustment. Alternative to Standard Remote.
Provides access to many of the setup functions
by direct keys instead of by menu maneuvering.
Throw Distance to the screen from the projector.
Underscan Decrease raster size H and V so that all four
edges of the picture are visible on the display.
Vertical Height Pots Potentiometers located on the Horizontal/Vertical
Deflection Board. Used to adjust Vertical height.
Vertical Resolution The amount of detail that can be perceived in the
vertical direction; the maximum number of
alternating white and black horizontal lines that
can be counted from the top of the picture to the
Vertical Scan Frequency The vertical scan frequency of the input signal.
Vertical Scan Reverses the image vertically for use with ceiling
Reversal Jumper displays or mirror-bounced displays. Located on
the Scan Reversal Board.
Vertical Synchronization The number of times per second a frame is
Frequency transmitted to a video display screen.
Xenon Arc Lamp See Arc Lamp.
B-4 Model 200 Service Manual