<IMG SRC=“http:// ****** /still.jpg”> ( ****** represents the URL of VN-C10.)
<IMG SRC=“http:// ****** /push.jpg”> ( ****** represents the URL of VN-C10.)
<APPLET CODE=“mjpeg.class” WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480
CodeBase=“http:// ****** /”> </APPLET> ( ****** represents the URL of VN-C10.)
6-7 VN-C10 Image Link
VN-C10 output images can be pasted onto separately created web pages –
Images (still and moving) captured with VN-C10 can be incorporated and displayed on a user-
created web page.
Images cannot be displayed when VN-C10 is in the MPEG4 mode.
Displaying a Still Image:
By creating a web page with the following description, you can display a still image.
Displaying a Moving Image:
A moving image can either be in the Serverpush or Java format.
It is necessary to choose the image type or adjust the content description of the web page according
to its compatibility with the web browser in use.
Display in Serverpush
By creating a web page with the following description, you can display a moving image in Netscape
Navigator that supports Serverpush.
Display in Java Applet
By creating a web page with the following description, you can display a moving image (Java applet)
in Internet Explorer, etc. that supports Java.
• The images (both still and moving) are displayed according to the size and compression rate
already set. If Java is disabled in the Web browser, images may not be displayed correctly.
• If a password has been set, prior password authentication is necessary before Java Applet
can be displayed (an Internet Explorer restriction).
• The values of “WIDTH” and “HEIGHT” should be identical to those of the image size setting
of VN-C10.
• If the browser version used is older than Netscape Ver. 4.06, it is required to update the Java
Plug-in version to 1.1 or higher in order to browse moving images. Java Plug-in is available in
Web sites such as “http://java.sun.com/getjava/” etc.
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