
Unlike APIs for getting/setting parameters, Accept line is not required. Basic authentication is also not necessary.
GET /api/audio?assured=1&lowdelay=1 HTTP/1.1<CRLF>
Parameter value is indicated using =. Do not insert space before and after =.
Example assured=1
Parameters are segmented using &. Do not insert space before and after &.
Example assured=1&lowdelay=0
There is no need to specify all parameters. Default values will be used for parameters that are not specified.
Parameter Description
assured Recent audio data is stored in internal buffer of the camera. Specify as assured=0 to request for the
newest data in the buffer and assured=1 to request for the oldest data in the buffer. Specify as assured=0 to shorten
the audio delay time. To enable stable playback in a network where jitter occurs, it is recommended that this be
specified as assured=1. Default value is 1.
lowdelay Specifying as lowdelay=1 disables the Nagle algorithm of TCP, and audio delay time will be shortened.
When lowdelay=0 is specified, the Nagle algorithm is enabled and audio delay time will be prolonged. However,
transmission overhead will be enhanced. Default value is 1.
7.3. Response
When API is successfully received
VN-V26 will return 200 OK. There is no Content-length field in the HTTP response. The x-vnv26_response line
indicates actual parameter.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF>
Connection: close<CRLF>
Content-type: audio/ulaw<CRLF>
GET APIspace space HTTP/1.1
0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A
0x0D 0x0A
Host: space IP Address of VN-V26