®® ® ® ® ®®
Power On/Off (1)
Pressing Power button once turns the
dehumidifier "ON" and pressing it again
turns the dehumidifier "OFF."
Setting (2)
By pressing this button, unit will cycle through
each setting with every press. The order of
settings are Auto - Humidity - Delay Start
- Cycle Timer - Auto ...
Auto (3)
When the unit isturned on, the unit willdefault
in Auto mode. AUTO (3) will be lit and"Auto"
will bedisplayedinwindow (7/8)for 10seconds
before retuming to the ambient temperature
and humidity. Inthis setting, humidity level is
automatically set for 50% RH. Because lower
temperatures usually correlate with lower
humidity levels, the unit will not run frequently.
At higher temperatureshigherhumidityisnormal
so the unit will run more often.
In thissetting, Humidity allowsyou to manually
set the desired humidity level by using the
humidity arrows (9).Humidityvaluesarechanged
in 5% increments ranging from 35% to 70%.
When in this mode, there willnot be a setting
LED lit. When pressing v arrow keywhen the
valueis 35%, theunitwill operate continuously.
Inthiscontinuous operation, "Cont"will be
displayed in thewindow (7/8) for 10 seconds
beforereturningto theambient temperature and
humidity. To leave continuousoperation, press
the arrow,*,or change the setting.
Delay Start (5)
Unit can be programmedto turn on at a desired
delay time by pushing the timer arrows (6).
Time can be adjusted in 1hour increments
ranging from 1to 12 hours. Delaytime will be
shown in window (8) and will count down to
start time in 1 hour increments.
Cycle Timer Setting (4)
In this setting, the unit will run for either 3, 6, or
12 hours,thenshut offfor 3, 6, or 12hours. Cycle
time can be adjusted by pushing the timer arrow
up or down (6) repeatedly to set operating time
for 3,6, or 12 hours.The cycle timer function will
continue until you change the setting or turn the
unit off.
Fan Speed (10)
Press Fan Speed to toggle between Auto, Low,
and High fan speeds. Speed will be shown in
fan speed indicator(11). WhenAUTO is selected,
the unit will adjust thefan speed accordingly
depending on the humidity level.
Bucket Full Indicator (12).
Whenthe collectionbucket isfull, BUCKET FULL
indicator (12)will come on. The dehumidifier will
not run until the bucket is empty.
Pump On/Off
Pump On is an optional setting when using the
supplied IA"drain hose to remove the collected
water inthe bucket. Toturn the pumpon/off, press
the Pump Button (14).Whenthe pumpison, Pump
Display (13)will lighton. The Pump Display(13)
will be offwhen the pump isoff. The pumpshould
only be turned onwhen there is a 1A"drain hose
properly connected to the machine and the pump
isintendedtobe used. Ifthe pumpbuttonispressed
when usingother water disposal options, E3 (Error
Message)will showondisplaypanel. Pumpwill run
automaticallywhenever the bucket gets full. The
bucket may not empty completely to protect the
pump, butonce thebucketfills up again,the pump
will turn on,
1. Pull out the bucket, grasping upper and
lower handles.
2. Carry the bucket by grasping the inside
handle of the bucket.
3. After emptying the bucket, replace the
bucket in the dehumidifier.
NOTE: Dehumidifier will not work when the
BUCKET FULL light is on or without the
bucket properly placed in the unit.
1. Remove the PUMP DRAIN CAP by turn-
ing clockwise (Reverse thread). (Fig.l)
2. Remove the drain-hole PLUG by pulling out
while pressing in on the coupler. (Fig.2)
Keep the DRAIN CAP and PLUG for future use.
3. Feed the 1/4-inch hose provided through
the hole inthe DRAIN CAR (Fig.3)
4. Insert the end of hose into the drain hole
(Fig.4), then screw DRAIN CAP back
onto the unit. Place the other end of the
hose inthe location you want the water to
go: to a floor drain, a water container, or
through a basement window to the
outdoors. (Pump can liftwater up to 15
feet above the unit.) Check hose for kinks
or other obstruction.
(Hose Not Provided)
1. Take off GRAVITY DRAIN CAP by turning
the cap counterclockwise. (Fig.l)
2. Remove DRAIN CONNECTOR from the
bucket. (Fig.2)
3. Next, screw the DRAIN CONNECTOR
to a standard garden hose by turning
clockwise. (Fig.3)
4. Reattach the DRAIN CONNECTOR end
of garden hose to the dehumidifier (Fig.4)
then check hose for kinks or obstructions.
The position of the hose at the floor drain
must be lower than DRAIN CONNECTOR.
5. Keep the DRAIN CAP for future use when 5.
emptying bucket manually.
Fig.1 Fig.2
Fig.3 Fig.4
Fig.1 Fig.2
Fig.3 Fig.4
In the unlikely event the hose comes
loose during pump operation due to
vibration, re-attach hose to continue
automatic pump removal of water.
_1t, CAUTION: Do not remove the
bucket while the pump is operating. This
will cause the dehumidifier to stop operat-
ing and result in an "E3" error message.
ALSO: The pump drain hose should not
be both under waterAND at a height
that is above the dehumidifier. This can
cause a "back flow" to the dehumidifier
and cause the dehumidifier to stop work-
ing resulting in an "E3" error message.
Following an "E3" error, the unit must be
unplugged and reset to operate. (See
Error Code section of this manual.)
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