Yourhumidifierwillmaintainitsefficiencyfor along
periodoftime.Ifit is notserviced,damagemay
result.Serviceit every month. Follow instructions
below. Since water conditions vary, it may be nec=
essary to service either more or less often.
Establish your own servicing schedule.
1. Turn off electricity at the fuse box.
2. Disconnect the water supply tubing at the quick
disconnecL The water wiii automatically shut off.
3. Remove the drain line (if used) and catch any
water with a paik
4. Front Service (preferred):
Remove the front panel, disengage the media
motor electrical disconnect, remove the overflow
tubing, slide out the reservoir and media wheel
5. Bottom Service (only if insufficient space in
Remove the front panel, disengage the media
motor electrical disconnect, remove the overflow
tubing, remove the lower rod screw, unlatch and
remove the lower case and slide out the reservoir
and media wheel assembly.
Use care when removing either the reservoir
assembly or the lower case and reservoir assem-
bly since the reservoir is filled with water.
6. Remove the media motor and panel assembly by
releasing the ciip and siiding the assembly
upward from the reservoir divider. Slide the
reservoir divider upward from the reservoir and
7. Empty the water from the reservoir.
8. Rinse and clean the reservoir, media, media
wheel, and reservoir divider after removing any
lime buildup. Detergent such as vinegar or Sears
All-Purpose Humidifier Cleaner (Stock No. 42-
14713) may be used to loosen lime deposits.
NOTE: To aid in future cleaning, an optional
accessory Reservoir Liner may be purchased
through the Sears Parts Department; call 1-800-
4-MY-HOME to order Part No. 215682-01 (see
Exploded View, Page 17). The liner may be flexed
to aid in loosening accumulated lime buildup.
CAUTION: Do not put parts in a dishwashing
machine. The high temperature in the washer may
damage parts. Handle aii parts carefully. Be careful
that no water or cleaner enters the motor or electrical
Deposits wiii form on the media pad. Unless the
deposits are light and the pad can be cleaned, it
must be replaced. Replacement pads are avail-
able from Sears (Stock No. 42-9336).
If the reservoir has been overflowing, the float
valve button may be worn. In normal operation,
this button wiii eventually erode much like a
faucet washer. Remove the float valve button,
turn it over, and reinserL Replacement buttons
are available by calling the Sears Parts
Department; call 1-800-4-MY-HOME.
Reassemble the media pad in the media wheel
Replace the reservoir, divider, media wheel, media
motor, and panel assembly. Engage panel clip.
12. Reassemble humidifier in the following manner:
A. Front Service:
Slide the reservoir and media wheel assembly
into the humidifier, engage the media motor
electrical disconnect, attach the overflow
tubing, connect the water supply tubing.
B. Bottom Service:
Slide the reservoir assembly into the lower
case, attach the lower case assembly to the
humidifier (make certain side latches are
secured), engage the media motor electrical
disconnect, attach the overflow tubing and
water supply tubing. Reinstall lower rod screw.
Connect the water supply tubing at the quick
disconnect and allow the reservoir to fill. Check
the water level, adjust the float if required, and
reinstall the front cover.
Turn on the electricity at the fuse box, push the
humidifier switch to "ON" and turn the humidis-
tat to the "TEST" position to check the humidifier
operation. The furnace may have to be running
for the humidifier to operate, depending on elec-
trical connection. Set the humidistat according
to the outdoor temperature as instructed on
CAUTION: Do not leave in "TEST" position.
It is suggested that you apply the Kenmore 303.93806
Furnace Humidifier Maintenance instructions sticker
to either the return air plenum or a place in which
they will be easily seen. These instructions provide a
quick reference for typical maintenance that may be
needed on this producL