1. Ti!t the dehumidifier no more than 45° and forcibly insert _he casters. Make
sure the ring around the caster isflush against the bottom ofthe dehumidifier
(Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
• Install the dehumidifier on a tevet floor
strong enough to support the unit with
a full bucket of water.
• For best performance, allow at least
12-18 inches of air space on all sides
of the unit for good air circufation.
• Keep alf outside doors, windows and
other openings closed when operat-
ing the dehumidifier. Humid outdoor
air will add to the unit's workload.
• Leave the dehumidifier in an upright
position for 30 minutesbefore turning
The dehumidifier has a built-in defrost
control that senses frost buildup on the
evaporator coils.
During defrosting, the compressor will
automatically turnoff; the fan will con-
tinue running to defrost the coils.